Cookie Policy

Updated Dec, 2023

We use cookies at Nestingale to improve our service for you. Some cookies we use are essential for some services to work, and others are used to collect information about the use of the website (statistics) so that we can make the site more convenient and useful for you. Some cookies are temporary and will disappear when you close your browser, others are persistent and will stay on your computer for some time. We also use some local cookies that are tied to local campaigns and that will disappear when the campaign ends. We also use marketing cookies that are used to track visitors across websites. We use them with the intention to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user.

Some of the cookies are strictly necessary for the functionality of the site while others are used to enhance the performance and your user experience or to show you advertisements and products that we think will be of interest to you.


Strictly necessary cookies are used to:

  • Make the website work properly
  • Remember what is in your shopping cart
  • Remember how far you are through an order

Functional cookies are used to:

  • Remember your log-in details
  • Make sure you are secure when logged-in
  • Make sure that the website looks consistent


Performance cookies are used to:

  • Analyze, evaluate, and enhance the performance of the website
  • Enhance the user experience

Targeting, advertising, or marketing cookies are used to:

  • Allow you to share and like
  • Send information to other websites to customize their advertisements

Examples of use:

The cookies are used to improve services for you through, for example:

  • Enabling the functionality of some specific services like payment which will not work without those cookies
  • Enabling a service to recognize your device so you do not have to give the same information several times during one task
  • Recognizing that you may already have given a username and password when logged-in to Nestingale so you do not need to do it for every web page requested
  • Measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to use and to ensure that there’s enough capacity to ensure they are fast
  • Analyzing data to help us understand how you use online services so we can improve them

Strictly necessary cookies cannot be deactivated. All other cookies can. If you choose not to use those cookies during your visit, you should be aware that certain functions and pages will not work as expected.

If you want to delete any cookies already on your computer, please refer to your browser vendor’s instructions by clicking “Help” in your browser menu.

You can also find out more about cookies and how to delete and control them on or click “Help” in your browser menu.